So,….DNA evidence does just as much to  clear as to convict.  This guy is free after 35 years.  Wonder how he felt all those years?  Wonder how me and you feel after all these years of captivity?

Jesus came to set the captives free.  You captive somehow, somewhere, from something?  You may be for now…. this is prophesy to you right now….you are no longer captive…you are set free. 

The Prophet proclaimed this in the Old Covenant….but it is for you.  Be set free in Jesus name. 



This is what Jesus was saying to his disciples when they had witnessed an encounter Jesus had with a very rich man.  Jesus was telling his his disciples how hard it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.  The rich man came to Jesus and wanted to know what it took to get into the Kingdom of God.  The man had obeyed The Law, he was a good person….but Jesus said to sell all he had and give it to the poor.  The record says that Jesus loved him..but….what Jesus said had an impact on this rich person.

This made the man very sad….because he was very very, very very rich.  This  man was very rich in material things…..he had money, power, status, position….maybe a 7 million dollar condo in NY… SUV…or a Hummer……Rolex…..IPhone, flat screen,…60+ billion bank account…….people looked  up to him…  at least they used to…. On the outside he had everything he needed….He had built an empire around himself.  What he lacked was a true  heart for God. 

A few years ago,…my wife and I made a concerted effort to shed some stuff and try to get closer to God individually, as a couple, as a family.  Some of our decisions….well,…made us sad….we gave up some very lucrative stuff we had become attached to….. a neighborhood, an “address”…  some status  I know how this rich young man felt….to some degree…and we did not do it to be less of a person….but because God spoke to us about it.

There is still some stuff that stands between us and God….we are still working on it.   It is a process…how about with you?



Elisha was a powerful prophet. Elisha was in the city of Dothan (not Alabama) and they were surrounded by enemy troops.  Elisha had a servant that saw all of this and was terrified.  See how all these cats on Al Jezeera TVcut off heads of people.  The servant, I will bet, was thinking about this.  Elisha was calm.  Elisha prayed for the Lord to open the eyes of the servant….not his physical eyes but his spiritual eyes.  This prayer is in 2 Kings 6:17 and it says that the servant’s eyes were opened and he saw horses and chariots of fire around Elisha. 

Chariots symboilze power.  But unlike the chariots of Pharaoh, the chariots of God are of fire and protect His people and destroy His enemy.  They are spiritual chariots.  And our battles are not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities in high places.   

You may be battling against stuff that you can see.  Mountains of debt, no job, kids that are in trouble, a marriage that is not working, broken cars, bad neighbors, a country in decline, stock market tanking,  drug/alcohol/pornography addictions, stuff that is coming at you from many directions, failed relationships, unforgiveness….I tell you today that there are chariots of fire all around you.  You are not alone.  I am not alone.  Despite my sometimes just self destructive way of thinking…..God has our back. 

I pray today that your eyes will be opened, that my eyes will be opened.  That we will collectively see where God is already working around us.  Do not be dismayed.  I want to encourage you today.  Get out of debt, get away from addictions, break the cycle of failed relationships, call your children home, forgive, invest in the Kingdom.   Jump on one of the chariots of fire.  May your eyes be opened.

louie @


get_smart-tvYou may be too young to remember this show.  I am 50 and remember it.  So if you do not remember it….well, sorry.  But here is the point of it and then the modern day equivalent.  The star, Maxwell Smart was an agent for the Government.  He was a goofball……Modern day equivalent…well, like me and my buddy Mike Ellis.  But God has a plan for people like me and Maxwell Smart….goofballs and screw ups.

He says in the first part of the book James….If any of  you lacks wisdom, all you need to do is to ask for it.  God gives wisdom in 3 ways,…..The scriptures here say He gives it  to all…(if any of you lack wisdom)  He gives it generously…..a lot of it…..He gives it without finding fault with us…(He gives it without finding fault).   Just read this verse really quick. 

Got some stuff you need wisdom on today,….like your marriage, your future, your job, your need for a spouse, your boss, a business, relationships, your parents, some item of unforgiveness……how to pay the rent, a child who is rebellious, your own rebellion or disbelief, maybe an addiction or addictions?  I have asked God for this for, well, many of the things I have just listed above….and I am still working on them and God on me despite my own disobedience… about you?

louie @