So me and my 5 year old son are fishing.  Of course, I am a fishing expert.  Especially in the company of a 5 year old young boy.  I mean, I have caught hundreds of fish, especially fresh water bass, and have a real good knowledge of how to do it, how to catch them, how to bring them onto shore….the whole deal.  And me and my 5  year old little son have been catching these bass from a lake in our neighborhood….on artificial lures….I want him to get this early in life….how to do it without a cork and live bait.

He has caught some fish….had some success…knows what the bite feels like and knows how to set the hook….but he is just learning and under my close tutelage.  I am showing him the ropes, step by step, technique by technique, special tactic by special tactic….lure by lure.  But…well, he likes his own lure selection…and often it is … well, wrong.  I want to make it right with him and basically tell him he can’t use that lure because it is the wrong one….but he likes it….so I let him.  He has some success….some failure.

It is the classic battle I have with God.  I seem to want to do it my way, to use my techniques, my lures, my way of thinking, my battles instead of just listening to God…..instead of just letting God tell me what to do and I do it,…..instead of just seeing that God has all the fish and I need to do it His way.

I want to try to get my son to do it my way….then  I think about me….how often I don’t just do it God’s way.  A classic battle between faith and works, between flesh and spirit, between trust and unbelief…  Just like I am doing now with the sickness of one of my daughters…and so much of my life..  I want to do it my way.

God help me to do it Your way.   Help me to help those around me to do it your way…    louie


Yesterday was “For We Wrestle” and had a WWE take off.  A wrestling gig.  An introduction into Ephesians 6. 

Today,… Flesh and Blood..  A continuation of Ephesians 6:12…..

Yes, we wrestle,….continually…see the above post for a wrestle explanation, ….but we wrestle……. not against flesh and blood.  So, what do we wrestle against?

I don’t know about you…. but the things I seem to always have to deal with are not flesh and blood.  They really aren’t specific people.  There are some people that just aggravate the heck out of me……but the things that seem to bother me are things that seem to creep up on me during the day, during the night, ….just all the time….

I have conflicts with people….conflicts arise, conflicts occur, then conflicts are over.   What seems to happen is I seem to have conflicts after the “people” side of things are over.  I toss and turn, I think about them, I stew about them.  Some of the things I wrestle with are not even associated with people…they are associated with …. well, maybe behaviors or beliefs, thoughts…..  I tend to get aggravated at the drop of the hat sometimes,…. I seem to be proud or arrogant…..I seem to have unclean or inappropriate thoughts…..yes some are well, soft behaviors…others, I want to just strangle people……  The struggle is not with flesh and blood….but against stuff that is ….. well, intangible…  maybe inside…. 

I want to talk about these things that are intangible…..tomorrow.   Still some good stuff to come.  Just trying to do in bite size stuff.

Wrestle…….now “not flesh and blood” …. tomorrow…the stuff we do wrestle with…..
