Not talking about what you say at supper.  Not talking about the old lady across the street.  God’s Grace is what I am talking about.  Think I might do a couple of gigs on this.  Might be what I have been looking for too.

This concept has been working on me for years as I struggle to understand it better…..but really understand what the finished work of Jesus on the cross means.   Well, truthfully, to try to come to grips with my sin and junk and figure out what God thinks about all this.  Which is partially the total forgiveness for what we have, are and are going to do as it relates to sin and our penalty for sin.  Stuff I can’t pay for on my own.

Romans 6:14 says this in a neat way.  It says sin can’t have dominion over us any longer.  I mean, I have struggled with sin….worried about how it effected my relationship with God.  Shoot, I have even been pretty darn judgemental about others’ sin….Christians I know.  Then I began to realize more and more that what Jesus did on the cross has dominion over everything else….especially sin. 

The sacrafice of Jesus, grace given to us, has dominion.  And this dominion is paid for……one time.   Will do a couple more on this.  Don’t want to go too far and get out of breath.

Good to be back.  louie


That  is what you can expect to see in the headlines one day soon.  And get ready baby,… it comes!

God does have an economic plan for Christians.   My Pastor preached on this Sunday.  Ephesians 1:3 says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.”  So, how can heavenly blessings, such as health, healing, joy, peace, contentment, love, …..not involve our finances?  So my pastor’s message urged me to study more on this subject.  But about finances specifically.

He, (God), has already blessed us.  In Genesis, God gave us dominion over the earth, also in Genesis, God told Abram (later Abraham) the he would be a blessing and all nations would be blessed through him.  In Deuteronomy the scriptures say that God gives us the power to get wealth….honest.  See for yourself. 

So, God has already blessed us…..if in heavenly places….certainly here too…..yes?? (Lords prayer…on earth as it is in heaven)  and in Genesis, God tells us we have dominion…. Scriptures tell us we have the power to get wealth.  So, guess what?

Now is the time for the body of Christ to begin believing in what God has already put in motion, what God has already given us, what God already wants us to have……..get out of debt, obtain wealth,…operate in dominion.

Come on and believe in this change for out economic future with me….and with Obama…..Change We Can Believe In!

louie @